of terrestrial and marine organisms, and the bio molecule reconstruction using pathway enginee- ring for applications in pharmaceuticals, nutrace- uticals and cosmetics. Microbial cells have been factorized to have Nature¡¯s catalysts in synthesis of a large array of bio molecules. Recent advan- ces in understanding of these biosynthetic ma-chineries have given the potentials not only to biosynthesize target natural products, but also to produce structurally reconstructed unnatural bioactive molecules. Our group combines as- pects of biochemistry, molecular biology, micro- biology, protein engineering, metabolic enginee- ring and synthetic biology.
Aminoglycosides act by binding to the bacterial ribosome, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis and generating errors in the translation of the genetic code. This class of antibiotics has been widely used to treat severe bacterial infections for decades.

About Prof. PARK
- Specialties :
- Natural Products
- Pathway Engineering
- Smart Biotherapeutics

Prof. Je Won Park researches the biochemical pathways of secondary metabolites in diverse organisms, of which limited information has been known. His works focuses on the aminoglycoside biosynthesis/the microbial glycosyltransfering platforms/bio-foundry-based smart biotherapeutics with the overall goal of uncovering new drug candidates (and living biotherapeutics) for the diagnosis/ prognosis/ prevention/ treatment of infectious diseases and cancers.